* NOTE: Speed comparison is made based on my VELO500 75mhz Device, the sound is disabled and "large screen" is enabled.

Like I said before, V2.0 is WAY FASTER than the original version that I got awhile ago.  Even on

my "older" HPC the speed is acceptable and I can run the games at decent framerate and speed.  One option is that there's a slider bar so you can adjust what you perfer, faster/more jerky or slower/less jerky.

CAPT0003.jpg (14490 bytes)

One thing to remember is that what I consider "smooth", "jerky" and "speed" is totally subjective.  But with the slider you an always set the level you want. 

On a comparison with real gameboy running SUPER MARIO LAND and TETRIS, using the slider level set to what you see on the picture above I was able to get "near gameboy" speed.  To be more accurate it was alittle faster than the real thing on SMBL and a little slower than the real GB running Tetris.  What's the point? I guess not much execpt that most game will vary slightly in terms of speed.  

So I guess a 70 mhz speed cpu will be able to run your GB games at a good pace. It won't be what I call great but good enough to have fun and enjoy the game without noticing how slow the game is playing, how jerky the movement is or trying to decide if you want to set the performance slider for speed or smoothness like in v1.0.  If you have one of those newer and faster HPC this emulator should run very good. 

On a note of performance, if you have a color unit running in color mode it would be slower than a similiar unit with grayscale and same speed cpu  becaues it take more horse power to calculate the extra colors.   In my case, with a 75mhz cpu and grayscale screen, Playing fast action games is generally not that good because it's kind of hard to see fast screen movements (with screen blurring and slightly jerky framerates).

To be fair, I didn't fully test the program to it's full potential.  It's like playing Quake II without a good 3D card.  My unit is not as fast as newer models and it has no color.  If you have a faster unit with color this program should KICK MAJOR ASS!


To the author's credit he did stated that "sound is not consistant with all machines",  In my case it basically sucks.  From what I read from other people, the sound on their machine is kind of crappy too.  I can't blame everything on the author because most of the sound issues are from limitations in the WinCE OS itself and the actual hardware of different HPCs.

In my machine the sounds is like music playing in slow motion.  Enabling sound takes like a 25%I performance hit. I just disable it to improve performance.

You can also disable "large screen" to get faster performance but the picture will be very small and hard to look at. TOO freaking small

With Large Screen enabled:
CAPT0007.jpg (14850 bytes)

With Large Screen Disabled
Capt0012.jpg (18359 bytes)

If the bottom screen looks kind small on your 17" monitor imagine it on a 6.5 inch screen. In my Velo500 screen (which I is like a normal size for a HPC) with "Large Screen" enabled the size of the picture is the same exact size as a gameboy.


This emulator have a pretty good set of features. Save/load state, key remapping, cheat codesupport, four player support, background image, color support and diferent performance tweaks to fit your preference.  It also let you use a custom background like the one I have above.

What more could you ask?
CAPT0001.jpg (18119 bytes)


Compatiablity is quite good it ran about 93% of the games I threw at it. Most games runs fine and give you pretty much the same experience as a real gameboy (with the exception of the horrible sounds)

In terms of bugs some games that does ingame saves (ex. RPGs).  When I save in the game (not the save/load state, I mean regular saves from the game) it would save but when I exit the program and load the rom/game again it won't load the save ram..  Another bug, Even though the properties setup have an option to make your buttons "autofire" it don't work.

Here's some screen shots:
CAPT0005.jpg (15805 bytes)
    Capt0015.jpg (14376 bytes)
Capt0014.jpg (11987 bytes)    CAPT0006.jpg (15250 bytes)

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